About Us
The Belgian Club of Northern California (BCNC) was originally established in 1901 as a non-profit, non-political and non-religious organization. Its objectives are to form a powerful network to help Belgians residing in or visiting the San Francisco Bay Area to promote the image of Belgium and to encourage the social ties within the Belgian community.
In order to meet the diverse interests of its membership, the BCNC organizes a wide range of social, cultural, and outdoors activities, including ski trips, camping weekends, lectures by visiting Belgian artists and professors, Belgian movie-nights, visits by Saint Nicolas, Belgian National Holiday Celebrations, etc. Any member can propose and organize activities.
The BCNC is managed by an elected Board. The board is responsible for the administrative aspects of the Club (finance, business meetings, website, official activities, etc.) and also keeps an up-to-date list of the Belgians living in the area. The Board announces all events by e-mailing a newsletter to its members. Click HERE to receive our e-mails.
Become a BCNC member!
By becoming a member, you will have access to all BCNC events, receive our monthly newsletter and get discounts to many events.
The annual BCNC membership fee is $40 for families/couples, $25 for singles, and $10 for full-time students. Membership fees run for a full calendar year and they go exclusively to organizing events and general overhead expenses. Click HERE to become a member.